Reiki is for the Faithful . . . and the Fearless
\’Come All Ye Faithful\’ is a classic Christmas carol from the 1600’s, and encapsulates the invitation offered by Reiki Master Mary Ritter to Christians drawn Reiki as a healing modality.
“Yes, you can be a Christian and practice the energy-modality known as Reiki!” affirms Mary, the mind behind Holy Reiki.
Candidly Mary shares, “There was a time in my life I may have been worried about what those in my church thought about Reiki. Today, the practice of Reiki has brought me even closer to my Christian foundations. It is Christ that I call upon when I am providing a hands-on healing experience.”
She explains: “Reiki is for everyone. Jesus modeled Reiki for us in every thought, word and deed. The Bible teaches Jesus’ practice of using our hands to create healing – very much like what those practicing Reiki do. While it is not called Reiki in the Bible, the steps (or protocol) are the same as what is described in the Bible, especially when we are clear and committed to our Christian faith.”
Passionately, she says: “I was skeptical about practicing Reiki at first because my faith-based values are so embedded in who I am and how I choose to show up in the world. As a Christ follower, I believe our steps are directed. I felt very directed to learn all I could about this healing modality that is being so readily accepted into hospital, hospice and healing all around the world.”
Reiki’s popularity continues to grow as more and more practitioners use Reiki in medical settings to help patients heal. The American Hospital Association recently reported that over 800 American hospitals offered Reiki as part of hospital services. The National Health Interview Survey conducted by the Center for Disease & Prevention indicates well over a million people, including hundreds of children, receive one or more sessions of energy healing therapy, such as Reiki, each year.
Mary reflects: “I prayerfully approached my Reiki training and kept the words of Philippians 4:8 close to my heart: \’Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.\’”
After returning from Japan this last April where she visited the birthplace of Reiki, it was clear that Mary was being directed to offer Reiki to the faithful – Reiki for Christians – in the form of Holy Reiki. With total clarity, Mary explains, “Holy Reiki is not about Religion, rather it’s about Relationship. It’s being in deep relationship with what you believe and who you call upon for healing guidance and assistance. I call upon the Kings of kings and Lord of lords, fully knowing I will be guided and directed in every moment to share the good news of Christ in action.”
Mary taught her first class of Holy Reiki this last year at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. A Christian husband and wife team from the first class offered these praises: “The practice of Holy Reiki in our daily lives has elevated us to experience a profound sense of healing and peace. This elevation has taught us how to step out of ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to use us and bring healing to others,” reports Jackie Morales.
Her husband, Gavin Tucker, offers this of his experience, “The highest goal in my life is union with myself and Jesus Christ. Through the practice of Holy Reiki, it has allowed me to set a intention throughout the day that guides me. It has taught me to continuously be reminded that I have been given everything from the Holy Spirit and that everything else must take second. If we lose the Holy Spirit, then we lose everything.”
The couple affirms what they love most is that Holy Reiki brings life to their faith: “Our hands, and our lives, become instruments in the peace and healing of others.”
MASSAGE Magazine, a Florida-based publication offering touch therapists in-depth, educational articles recently featured an article entitled \”The Christian Energy Work of Laying On Of Hands\”. It featured a woman that mirrored Mary Ritter’s story.
Elaine Andres, a Christian herself, was introduced to Reiki through the wife of a Christian minister at her church. One day, when Elaine was over at the woman’s house for dinner, her shoulder was hurting. The lady laid her hands on Elaine’s shoulder and it felt better. The experience led to her journey to becoming a Reiki master.
For Mary, while in her first Reiki class, she experienced profound healing from a past trauma. She describes feeling as if Christ himself as knitting her heart back together, while smiling down on her with unconditional love.
Both the woman featured in the MASSAGE Magazine article and Mary believe the same thing: “Reiki’s effectiveness is a gift from God!”
Mary further explains, “Holy Reiki knowledges the healing power of Christ and calls upon the name of the ‘most high’ to create healing.”
As outlined in an earlier blog, in Holy Reiki the acronym P.R.A.Y. is used when conducting a Reiki session:
P – Praise:
‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…’
R – Relinquish My Will
As a conduit of grace and an instrument of peace, ask for forgiveness of any thoughts or actions which come to your awareness so that we might be a pure vessel from which healing is facilitated.
A – Ask
Whatever the person’s beliefs you are serving, pray for their highest good. Reiki, like prayer, can do no harm… only good.
Y – Yield Through God’s Will
By acknowledging the healing power of Christ and call upon the name of the “most high” to create healing, allow God’s will to be done.
Kena McClure, a massage therapist, Christian, and practitioner of Holy Reiki shares this insight: “For me, Holy Reiki is an extension of my faith. It allows pure healing to flow to the person without the interference of me. I do not direct the flow, I only facilitate the flow as a vessel. I use the language of my client to better communicate the whole process.”
From a place of deep reflection Kena reveals, “For me, there is only one Source and it has nothing to do with my opinions or the beliefs of others. It is a wonderful way of allowing love to flow to the other person . . . meeting them where they are. I completely trust that ‘flow’ is going wherever it is needed and directed by God or the Divine. Most persons experience some level of positive change through Holy Reiki. This is the only form of Reiki I have practiced…and it is sacred and a privilege to share with the world.\”
Longtime SWIHA instructor Cheryl Speen offers this of her experience: “Holy Reiki is the glue that creates the bond to all the other work that do for myself and for others. Until I took the classes, I had no idea that I already had been doing Holy Reiki my whole life! I would always ask God for the help and then methodically do the work. I often witnessed his answers to my prayers, and I was always a bit surprised. Now with my training, it is more streamline, intentional and focused. Things happen faster.”
With a slight grin and big smile Cheryl summarized it best: “Holy Wow!”
“Reiki is prayer in action,” affirms Mary. “In the stillness and simplicity of prayer, our intentions are made known. We move from the unreal to the real in silent meditation and connect to this holy power.”
A verse from the New Living Translation Bible is the vision Mary holds for Holy Reiki. Psalms 46:10 states: \”Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.\”
Contact our Admissions department to find how to join Mary for Holy Reiki in January 2019!
This content was originally published here.